


    Myke Celis

    Case Study




  • Overview

    Global Master Coach. Best Selling Author. International TEDx Speaker. Host. Entrepreneur.

    Myke is a Professional Global Master Coach for Life Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming & Timeline Therapy.

    An Associate Certified Coach of the International Coach Federation (ICF), he helps his clients gain clarity, overcome limiting beliefs, become empowered within, achieves their biggest goals, and become their own #bestmeever. As a self-empowerment coach, he coaches celebrities, top executives, and successful people whom he calls Unicorns.

    On the side, he is an international best-selling author and part-time radio talk show host. He is oftentimes invited to coach, speak and do workshops for local and international brands. Some of his talks can be found at TED.


    He also has a regular column in MarketingInAsia.Com, where he is a subject matter expert for Coaching. He has also been interviewed and featured by local and international media across print, radio, TV and digital platforms as a resource person or subject matter expert in coaching which earned him the title of a Celebrity Life Coach.


    Myke approached us to position himself as an industry leader in the celebrity coach industry, he wanted us to build his online authority and google presence.

  • Process



    We had an initial phone conversation with Myke, where we identified his goals and requirements. On call, we discussed the PR strategy we would implement to help him establish as the top coach in his industry.



    Based on the needs of Myke, we worked with him to build out a roadmap of publications, a timeline, and a trajectory for success that will best elevate the digital authority of himself and his brand.



    We sent him custom questionnaire for each of his article that we leverage to craft his content. Then, we began the process of pitching the articles to some of the top publications to get him featured on them.

  • Strategy

    • Create powerful content that portrays Myke and his knowledge in a unique way.
    • Leverage Myke's story and work achievements along with our network of connections to get him featured in major publications.
    • Improve Google search presence for a variety of keywords.
    • Boost brand credibility and authority by positioning Myke as an expert in the industry.
  • Featured On

    Click on the logos below to view the articles

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  • Results

    • Got Myke Google Knowledge Panel optimised
    • Got Myke featured on some of the world’s biggest media outlets including Yahoo, Asian Age, Latin Post, Deadline News, Counsel & Heal, The American Reporter, California Herald, The New York Guardian, Thrive Global, America Daily Post, London Daily Post, Big Time Daily, Buzzfeed & Medium, and many more. 
    • Created powerful content and strategically got it placed on major media outlets to position Myke as an authority and leader in his industry. 
    • Tremendously boosted press exposure, brand credibility, and Google search presence. 
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    Helped Myke Get His Custom Google Panel